Combining Web Analytics and a Web-Based User Survey for LibGuides Assessment



الكلمات المفتاحية:

web/data analytics، web survey، Project Outcome Model


Method name(s)

Web/Data Analytics; Web Survey; Project Outcome Model


The aim of this method is to assess an online library guide, using both qualitative
and quantitative methods, with the specific objective of discovering who is using the guide
and why, as well as understanding the impact of the guide on user learning outcomes.
Approach: This method combines the use of web/data analytics (quantitative) and a
web-based survey (quantitative and qualitative) with an existing model for measuring learning
outcomes. By combining these methods, a more robust assessment of an online guide can be

Data Type Used

The discussed online guide assessment used data from Google Analytics
and from a web-based survey, created in Qualtrics, with learning outcome questions
developed using the Project Outcome for Academic Libraries Toolkit.


The combined analysis of the web analytics and survey data resulted in an
expanded assessment of the library guide and a richer picture of guide users, their behavior,
and their learning outcomes.


Individually, each method used in this research has limitations. Web analytics
are unable to determine users’ motivation (why) for using the guide and whether they have
learned (impact) from their behavior/interaction while using the guide. Surveys collect
self-reported data and may be subject to recall bias. However, when the methods are
combined, each helps to counteract the individual limitations.

السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

Jung Mi Scoulas، University of Illinois Chicago

Assistant Professor and Assessment Coordinator
University Library

Allan Berry، University of Illinois Chicago

Clinical Assistant Professor and Web Services Librarian
University Library

Deborah L. Lauseng، University of Illinois Chicago

Associate Professor and Regional Head Librarian
Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria




كيفية الاقتباس

Howard, C., Scoulas, J. M., Berry, A., & Lauseng, D. L. (2024). Combining Web Analytics and a Web-Based User Survey for LibGuides Assessment. Hypothesis: Research Journal for Health Information Professionals, 36(2).



Methods Moment


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