Seeking Research Process and Research Experience Submissions


We are looking for submissions describing how author(s) determine the research question, the best way to tackle a project (e.g., study design), figuring out author order1-2, and experiences on how an individual or team handle these situations.

Papers could Compare/Contrast CReDit vs. ICJME or university policies like Harvard’s authorship guidelines. Or it could focus on how a team or author finalized the research question. Authors could even write-up how they handle such questions from the faculty, staff, and learners they support.

If the author focuses on the process aspect (e.g., step-by-step description) consider a 1500-2000 word Methods Moment submission. If sharing your experiences and thoughts on how you or your team handled such questions,  Voices of Experience might be more appropriate. 

To be considered for the September issue,  submit no later than June 15, 2023.  

We look forward to hearing your ideas. Send us an email with questions or concerns to


1. Eldredge J. The research mentor: authorship part one: defining the article author. Hypothesis 2009 Fall; 21 (3): 11-14.

2. Eldredge J. The research mentor: authorship part two: order of authors. Hypothesis 2010 Spring; 22 (1): 8-11.