Beyond Limits
Exploring the Possibilities for Using the Metaverse to Teach Social Work Practice Skills
augmented reality, metaverse, social work, virtual reality, social work practiceAbstract
As social work is one of the fastest growing professions, it is crucial to provide future practitioners with the skills and tools needed to address global challenges. As a part of this initiative, social workers must be given the opportunity to take a leading role in the decision-making regarding the use of technologies such as the metaverse in the education of the next generation of social workers. To aid in this process, this article provides an overview of the metaverse and highlights its educational potential. A social work implication for the development of the metaverse can expose students of social work to opportunities to practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities without being limited by time and location.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alex D. Colvin, Angela N. Bullock, M. Sebrena Jackson

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