Cultivating Critical Consciousness
Ways to Support and/or Constrict the Magic of Critical Dialogue
critical dialogue, critical consciousness, facilitation, anti-Black racism, qualitative researchAbstract
Anti-Black racism, rooted in white supremacy, is a public health crisis in the US that infects and affects every aspect of life. Critical consciousness (CC) and its derivatives, such as Transformative Potential, have been elucidated as the antidote to the disease of white supremacy. Further, with the current focus on anti-racism and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives, strategies aimed at raising CC are becoming the norm. One strategy to develop critical consciousness is engaging in critical dialogue, difficult conversations that connect macro and micro contexts by exploring issues of power, privilege, and oppression. This paper considers a case study of participant data obtained from the critical dialogue component of Community Wise, an innovative, multilevel, behavioral health, group intervention grounded in critical consciousness theory. The purpose of the paper is to identify and discuss the best practices for critical dialogue facilitation that emerged via a qualitative analysis of the selected Community Wise sessions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sarah Ross Bussey, Aitan Eliach, Alexis D. Jemal

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