Keeping Community During a Pandemic
LGBTQ+ Older Adults and the Virtual Senior Center
senior centers, COVID-19, organizational adaptation, LGBTQ+Abstract
The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study was to better understand how LGBTQ+ senior centers created virtual communities and implemented organizational adaptation in the earliest stages of the pandemic. Three focus groups (n=22) were conducted with program facilitators and senior center employees to better understand how these key stakeholders contributed to the transition from in person senior center to virtual senior center programming in March of 2020. The experiences of LGBTQ+ program facilitators and senior center staff varied based on the nature of their assigned roles. Latent pattern content analysis of the focus groups unveiled both shared and divergent categories and themes from the two cohorts. Themes identified for program facilitators included: adaptation, interconnectedness, some not served, and virtual preference. Themes identified for senior center staff included: communication, the blurring of the personal/professional, urgent needs, and future planning.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Suzanne Marmo, Manoj Pardasani, David Vincent

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