Examining the Views of Master of Social Work (MSW) Graduates on the Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society


  • Dawn Apgar Seton Hall University
  • Lori Zerrusen




Grand Challenges, curriculum, professional interests, competency, knowledge, MSW, social problems, social work, practicum


Despite the social work profession’s unified commitment to identify and address widespread societal problems, there have been few scholarly articles that have focused on the Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society (“Grand Challenges”). While half of social work academic programs have reported incorporating content about the Grand Challenges initiative into curricula, there have not been any known empirical studies about whether graduates have interests in these areas or feel prepared to address the identified concerns. This quantitative study of master’s-level social workers indicates that the vast majority are unaware of the Grand Challenges and are not working on most social problems identified. Despite strong interest in addressing the Grand Challenges generally, the primary professional foci of social workers are limited to a few issues. There are significant overall relationships between professional interests, perceived competency to work on the problems, and views on the likelihood of the profession making progress on addressing the Grand Challenges. Results have significant implications for social work education as practicum placements and work opportunities need to be developed in key areas if the profession wants to have desired societal impacts.


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