Enhancing Competency-Based Social Work Skills Through Service Learning and Interprofessional Education in a Student-Run Free Healthcare Clinic
interprofessional education, service learning, social work educationAbstract
Student-run free clinics (SRFC) offer students the opportunity to learn and work with students from other disciplines; however, there is very little research on the benefits of SRFC to social work students. The purpose of this article is to describe the qualitative student outcomes of a service learning (SL) and interprofessional education (IPE) experience in a SRFC designed to enhance the interprofessional competencies of BSW social work students. Students (n=38) enrolled in a service-learning course and participated in a semester-long SL and IPE experience at a university-affiliated interdisciplinary SRFC. Qualitative findings from student reflections indicated that students perceived that the overall experience facilitated the development of written and verbal communication skills, confidence, and professional identity. The research suggests that SL and IPE were beneficial to student development. We, therefore, recommend that other programs consider exposing BSW students to these experiences early in their program to enhance their educational experience.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christopher Simmons, Amy Fisher, Roxann McNeish, Karah Y. Greene, Melissa Thompson, Jerome T. Galea

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