High-Achieving Asian American Adolescents and Suicide
The Need for Culturally Sensitive Suicide Intervention Approaches in Schools, A Case Study
Asian American, adolescent, suicide, high-achieving, high school, social work, intervention, preventionAbstract
Within the field of suicidology, high-achieving Asian American adolescents are an under-researched at-risk population. The present paper reviews the existing literature on this topic, addressing the increase in suicidal ideation and suicide attempts within this at-risk group, and explores ecologically valid social work interventions. School social workers are first responders to these at-risk youth and must be well-versed in the risk-factors, including parental resistance to treatment, within the specific populations they serve. To illustrate the relevant issues, a case example is presented of an adolescent Bangladeshi male who attempted suicide while attending school. Finally, this paper recommends suicide prevention measures, including a culturally appropriate suicide assessment and family therapy.
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