Sustainability in Management Education: Contributions from Critical Reflection and Transformative Learning


  • Claudine Brunnquell Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Janette Brunstein Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Problem-Solving, Problem-Posing, Reflexive Professional, Sustainability, Management Education


This theoretical paper discusses how the assumptions of critical reflection (CR) and transforming learning (TL) can help develop reflexive professionals in sustainability within management. The central argument is that a purely pragmatic and technical conception in the teaching and learning of sustainability does not sufficiently contribute to the development of professional managers with strong sustainability principles and standards. Therefore, it is important to employ CR and TL because they provide elements that contribute to advancement from the current teaching and learning approach, an approach based on problem solving, to another approach based on problem-posing. The reflections presented in this paper may provide elements that can help teachers, educators, university deans, and coordinators of management courses to rethink the way in which business schools, which are often the drivers for professional managers in metropolitan areas, are addressing sustainability education.

Author Biographies

Claudine Brunnquell, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Claudine Brunnquell is a Doctoral Student from the Graduate Program in Business Administration at Presbyterian University Mackenzie. She has completed her Master’s degree, studying issues related to sustainability education in business schools in Brazil. Her work is focused on teaching and learning process for sustainability, and development of reflexive professionals for sustainability in the academic context.

Janette Brunstein, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Janette Brunstein is Professor and Researcher of Business Administration at Post-graduation Program in Business Administration from Presbyterian University Mackenzie. Her work focuses on education, learning, and development of competences for sustainability in both academic and organizational environments. During the last eight of her 10+ years in academe, she has coordinated projects within the national ambit, supported by organs in furtherance of the Brazilian Government’s aim to insert the thematic of sustainability into business administration courses.  


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