Student Stories of Campus Sport Experiences
A Case of Engaged Learning
open pedagogy, digital scholarship, high-impact practices, engaged learning, sport, collegeAbstract
Engaged learning practices foster “meaningful learning experiences” in support of students’ lifelong learning and contributions to their workplaces and communities (Moore, 2021, p. 17). This article highlights how Moore’s six engaged learning practices are used in an undergraduate sport and education course focusing on the purposes of sports and place in their college going experiences. Using open pedagogy and digital scholarship practices, student stories focus on campus-based sport including the built environment (e.g., skateboarding, parkour), esports and board games, recreational student clubs in the natural environment (on campus and off; e.g., hiking, biking, snow sports), intramural and club sports, and as athletes in traditional varsity sports. This class utilizes several aspects of Kuh’s High-Impact Practices and Moore’s Engaging Learning Practices in which students collaborate in group writing projects to develop stories using the Pressbooks platform. Using open pedagogy practices to support students, the Pressbook chapters illustrate the influence of sport and place in the college-going experience and campus life from the student perspective (Kuh, 2008; Moore, 2021). This article also describes the faculty/library staff collaboration to integrate Pressbooks as a digital tool to foster engaged learning. As a result, students create an open access digital edition that gives students control over how their content can be shared and distributed as content creators and subjects of sports on a college campus.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jennifer Lee Hoffman, Regena Pauketat, Lauren Ray

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